Amy Flynn
Mixed Media

Amy Flynn, After Us: The Conservators (2021). Soldered and bolted recycled found vintage objects. Dimensions: 22” h x 18” w x 6” d. ©Amy Flynn 2021. Courtesy of the artist.
Amy Flynn turns vintage packing tins into wry, futuristic “fobots” (found object robots) – with personality aplenty!
By restricting herself solely to vintage components, Flynn aims to evoke memories of a time when packing tins and household items were well-designed and long-lasting, unlike today’s throwaway plastics. Her droll characters, like the court jesters of old, convey the truth about today’s excess consumption.
All materials in this exhibition are copyrighted. ©Open Space Institute, Inc./Honoring the Future 2021. Please respect this copyright and that of the artists who generously contributed images to this exhibition.