Graham Schodda

Graham Schodda, Mac and Jack (2021). Salvaged metal. Dimensions: Mac (left) approximately 6’ h x 32” w x 16” d; Jack (the dog): 24” h x 24” w x 10” d. ©Graham Schodda 2021. Courtesy of the artist.
Graham Schodda’s whimsical Mac and Jack robots demonstrate the potential for reusing waste. Mac’s body and head are made from a 1940’s Mid States arc welder. Shoulders are a sawzall tool box; arms and legs are repurposed wooden framing studs; hands are fabricated from a Volvo wiring harness and old bike gloves; feet are old Sunbeam toasters. Vintage auto trim, plumbing and electrical parts add embellishments.
Jack (the dog) has a vintage vacuum cleaner for a body. A jigsaw, binoculars, metal spoons and baseball glove parts form his head. Front legs are ice cream scoops and chair casters; back legs are vintage hairdryer parts augmented with electrical bits and pieces.
All materials in this exhibition are copyrighted. ©Open Space Institute, Inc./Honoring the Future 2021. Please respect this copyright and that of the artists who generously contributed images to this exhibition.