Holly Tornheim

Holly Tornheim. Ode to Oak. Oak base; leaf and acorn carved from holly. Dimensions: 16” l x 7.25” w x 6” d. ©Holly Tornheim 2021. Courtesy of the artist.
Holly Tornheim works in a solar-powered studio and incorporates sustainability into her sourcing process: “The wood I use includes material from local brush clearing and leftover pieces from furniture makers. All the non-domestic wood I use is FSC/Smartwood certified or remnants given to me by other woodworkers.”
Crowned the U.S. national tree by popular demand, the mighty oak is in trouble. Nearly one-third of U.S. oak species are imperiled by climate change, habitat destruction, invasive pests and diseases.
Ode to Oak captures our stark environmental choice. Will our legacy be a hymn of praise or an elegy? Learn more.
All materials in this exhibition are copyrighted. ©Open Space Institute, Inc./Honoring the Future 2021. Please respect this copyright and that of the artists who generously contributed images to this exhibition.