Leah Evans
Decorative Fiber

Leah Evans, Hydroglyphs 2 (2021). Repurposed fabric. Dimensions: 40.5” x 40.” ©2021 Leah Evans. Courtesy of the artist.
Leah Evans’ quilted wall hangings explore how we impact, and in turn are impacted by, our environment.
Drawing on aerial photography, maps, and satellite images, her layered “maps” are designed to examine our concepts of land rather than to delineate specific places.
Mining, agriculture, water use and treatment, nuclear power, residential development and oil extraction are frequent subjects, visual reminders of our changes to land. Other “maps” depict how a climate-altered environment can upend us (e.g., with species loss and displacement, changing shorelines, water scarcity, and harm to humans and wildlife). She aims for “subtle reminders of how our actions can create both destruction and opportunity.”
All materials in this exhibition are copyrighted. ©Open Space Institute, Inc./Honoring the Future 2021. Please respect this copyright and that of the artists who generously contributed images to this exhibition.