Toots Zynsky

Toots Zynsky, Sun Conures (2018). Region: South America. Filet de verre (glass thread). Dimensions: 7 1/8″ x 18 1⁄4″ x 7 1/8.” ©Zynsky, 2018. Courtesy of Heller Gallery.
Toots Zynsky invented a unique glassmaking technique – filet de verre (glass thread) – to fuse thousands of multicolored glass threads into a sensuous form.
Choosing hues inspired by the colors and patterns of birds, she created a series of vessels honoring the billions of birds, like Sun Conures, threatened by climate change and human stresses.
Her medium fits her message: “[Glassmaking] goes irretrievably wrong pretty quickly if you make a mistake. That’s not unlike our relationship to our planet. We need to stay attuned to how we impact our environment and make adjustments when things are out of balance – because when species are gone, we can’t recreate them.” Learn more.
All materials in this exhibition are copyrighted. ©Open Space Institute, Inc./Honoring the Future 2021. Please respect this copyright and that of the artists who generously contributed images to this exhibition.